One of my favorite things in life are catchy new words and I’m already predicting that JOMO will take the cake in 2014 for me. In fact, I even just added a new Urban Dictionary definition because I’m that stoked on it and I couldn’t believe it didn’t already have an accurate one on there. (Pending approval, fingers crossed!)


I’ve got a new girl crush on Poorna Bell, the Lifestyle Editor of The Huffington Post, who just published So Long, FOMO-Here’s Why 2014 Will Be The Year of JOMO. This article could not have more accurately pinpointed my views on the damaging effects of FOMO and the merits of JOMO, so I’ll spare you the recap and suggest that you check it out for yourself to see if you agree. And because this blog post will make more sense and have better context if you do. (:

I’ve been battling FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) long before it was actually in our vocabulary, however the acronym is so dead-on in describing the scarcity culture that we’ve created for ourselves and it was such a catchy word that that I overdosed on FOMO. Yep, it’s true. It permeated my language and subconscious and brought about what I affectionately call “the end of 2013 mini-meltdown.” I wasn’t taking care of myself, creating space for the things I love to do and make me Shenna Jean. Instead I was “shoulding” all over everyone, mostly myself, depleting my energy, inspiration, and general zest for life because I was running myself ragged trying to take care of every little thing and please everyone but me. My screws were falling out and I wasn’t “dance party Shenna” as the Yin to my Yang can testify.

I realized that the choices I was making weren’t working out for me. If I wanted to get back to what makes me happy, gives me purpose, and lets my light shine, then I needed to make a shift and clear space in my life and in my head, pronto.

Making the lifestyle jump from FOMO to JOMO doesn’t come with an easy button and something I’ve been working on for a few weeks now. It’s hard. It requires a lot of trust that I’m on the right path and even more compassion for when I stray. Things like loving my quiet night in on NYE, sleeping like a baby for 12 hours on a Friday night in Cancun, and turning off my computer to turn on my piano keyboard are all big wins in my book and hold me tighter to the vision for my life I am creating.

Aaaaand I know that accountability and writing things down make them a billion time more likely to happen. (#Fact) So I’m helping to kick off the #JOMO movement and if you’re so inclined I’d love for you to join me! A one year goal of mine is “I spend at least 30 minutes of #JOMO time a day” so here is a list of things to do in my #JOMO time, that support me being me, doing things that create space, either physically or mentally.

Shenna Jean’s JOMO List:
-Random dance parties, anywhere
-Practice a song on the piano
-Read a book
-Practice handstands and forearm balances, or any pose for that matter

-Cook a healthy new recipe
-Write a blog post
-Work on my map of Vail Mountain puzzle
-Build yourself a fire
-Write a yoga sequence
-Update pictures in gallery frames
-Bake something for my neighbors
-Try a new wine
-Listen to a new music album
-Anything else that supports me being in the present moment, and not what I “should” be doing

See ya later FOMO, don’t let the door hit ya on the ass on your way out, this girl is now chugging’ the #JOMO juice!


reflecting + creating

Creating 2014

Creating 2014

It always blows my mind that the universe knows how to give you exactly what you need in each moment. It’s New Year’s Eve, I’m sick as a dog, and couldn’t be more pleased about it. The past few years I’ve gotten away from the NYE hype, and spent quiet nights in the cave of Loft 5H reflecting and dreaming of what’s to come. And I’ve loved it. Waking up with no hangover to start the year is super fucking rad, and I usually have a few drinks the  day of to celebrate anyway. Not to mention this new tradition has made for some of the most epic years of my life so far.

So hear I am living in an amazing new place where people from all over the world come to celebrate the end and new beginning. Obviously, the choices of what to do are pretty endless. Ride the Minturn Mile to the saloon for Apres, yoga flow with champagne toast, dinner party + cards of humanity NYE throw down, typical bar scene spending scary amounts of money doing wild things with people I’ll never see again, house parties where you get stuck walking home, waiting for a bus that never comes or sleeping in your car…the list goes on. And if you know me at all, you know how easily I can be persuaded to participate in as many of these shennanigans that I can possibly squeeze in.

And deep down, all week, I’ve known that all I wanted is a quiet night to myself. Cue the universe!

-Wake up with a scratch in my throat that I know is not good. Check.
-Go to breakfast with an amazing new friend who blessed me with a gems of excellence body integration and magic potion used to hyper speed me through whatever sickness is coming my way. Check
-Hyper speed magic potion kicks in and my scratchy throat has escalated to ball of sickness that I can’t seem to hawk up and I realize no amount of snowboarding on catwalks to have a few beers will heal it. Check.
-FedEx makes a NYE miracle happen and is able to deliver lost packages after hours that give us a fighting chance against the angry southerner tourists in town for tomorrow…but only if I can go meet them in the village in the smack dab middle of yoga. Check.
-I head to the bar to feed my hungry traveling mate, and order hot water with lemon and soup for dinner; lame. I’m officially sick. Check.
-Dropped off my mate (he’s British) to head to the party, endured some begging and pleading to please come, or at least wait 30 mins and drive us there, and immediately suffered a coughing fit which finally started my ball of sick on the way out and convinced everyone else that maybe it is best if I just go home. Check.

So here I am, post most amazing bath ever, sipping tea and magic potion, spending time on my blog sharing (a big goal for 2014) and reflecting + creating my 2013/2014. CHECK!!!!!!

I’ve had a lot of people ask about the questions I recently posted online, and if you’ve made it to the end of this post your reward is that you can now have them for yourself (: And I must give credit where credit is due: no, they are not my creation. They are some of the amazing content and support you get after creating your Lifebook, some of you may recall it as the game changing program I went through at the tender age of 24 and later brought me back to Chicago to work for them. I can’t say enough about this program, and hopefully these questions give you a small taste of the value they provide to help you create your ideal life. Click on the link below for the full worksheet and enjoy!

I hope you’re having as much fun this NYE as I am! Looking forward to a wild ride in 2014!

xox -sj


Happy Gratitude Day!

Best holiday ever? I think so. Epic amounts of food, all prepared with love. Friends, family and loved ones creating space to spend nothing but quality time with each other. Football, happy juice, naps and counting your blessings?? Um, yes please.

If I can point to one thing that has dramatically changed my life, I’m going with the attitude of gratitude. It’s flipped my world upside down and allowed me to see things from a new perspective, all while minimizing my feelings of scarcity and upping the ante on abundance.

Thanksgiving 2010 was the first time I can recall truly being grateful. It was an experience so incredible that I’ve dedicated my last waking moments of each day to recreating it. I call it goodnite gratitude and it’s pretty simple: as your laying down for bed, think of 3 things from your day you’re grateful for, go! It’s been a cozy way to end my day, reflecting on the amazing people, experiences and things that I’ve been blessed with.

This Turkey day, I triple dog dare you to make it about something more. Instead of wishing everyone you come across “Happy Thanksgiving!” or T-giving or Turkey day or whatever clever new thing I haven’t heard of yet, share something that you’re truly grateful for in your life. Or about them! While waiting for the turkey to be carved, play a game of categories naming things your grateful for round robin style. Possibilities? Endless.

Oprah dropped a gem in a meditation challenge recently: “If the only prayer you ever say is *thank you*, that will be enough.” #truth

Things I’m geeked and grateful for: sunshine & snow, friends, family & loved ones, roomies, neighbors & lovas, my work fam, the Vail Valley community, food, fellowship, getting turns brah, football, naps & happy juice, wood burning fireplaces, loose leaf tea, books lots of books, endless adventures, coconut, pepper, chapstick & williams sonoma winter forest lotion, water, yoga, my keyboard, lululemon, salted caramel anything, #smallchangeBIGshift, saunas, wunder unders, Sorels, wool socks, cuties, handstands, music, snowboarding, sparkling water and life with a view.

I’m super grateful you read this, thank you!! xox -sj


Flashmob Friday

I know it’s been a while, but what better way to bring it back then with Flashmob Friday!! This little diddy is simply spectacular…take three ridiculously cute triplets, put them in tuxedos, bring them to a Greek wedding and voila. Please enjoy, as this was one of the most amazing performances I’ve ever seen live. (And also note that this dance was made up the night before with very little practice. Justin Timberlake, they’re comin’ for ya.) Happy Friday!

SJ xox

You know you wanna!

Flashmob alert!! That’s right, it’s time for anotha one! It’s your chance to cross “star in a flashmob” off your bucket list. This time it’s going down on Saturday June 30, 2pm at the Bean in Chicago’s Millennium Park. Check out the moves in the video below (easiest choreo yet, to enable maximum participation!) and get your butt over there. You’ll be glad you came (; *brought to you by lululemon 900 N. Michigan Ave and their incredible dance ambassador Karim Tonsy*

Take Yourself On.

Life isn’t about finding yourself, it’s about creating yourself. #georgebernardshaw #myalltimefavoritequote You’ve probably heard this one before, but have you ever considered what it really means?

All too often in life we settle and wait. Wait for it to be the right time to move, quit your job, break up with him. Settle for someone else’s actions to decide our fate, define what we’re capable of, or tell us what’s possible.

Or we point the finger. That elusive finger, saying if she would only listen, or if he could just understand me, THEN things would be better. It’s a vicious, passive aggressive cycle that we’ve gotten ourselves into.

But what about the four little fingers pointing right back at you? When’s the last time you decided to investigate those a little bit deeper? Have you ever considered what the common denominator of the things not working out for you in life is? (Hint:  you’ve got 4 fingers pointing right at it.)

One of the scariest and most rewarding things you can decide to do in life is to take yourself on. It goes against the norm and what society teaches us, it’s incredibly uncomfortable at first, it’s really hard to remember why you’re doing it once you get balls deeps but the light at the next stop is sooooooooo worth it.

What is it that’s holding you back but you’ve been too afraid to confront? Are you being selfish? (I’m raising my hand) Maybe you’re judgmental, or unorganized, perhaps a hypersensitive Sally? Maybe it’s YOU who needs to start really listening. To be honest I have no idea what it is, just throwing a few things out there to get you thinking…you’ll have to do the work yourself to reap the reward.

Now the trick is to get down and dirty with yourself.
Be brutally honest.
Ask people what you’re not seeing that’s holding you back.
And then LISTEN.
Don’t fight it.
Take a deep breathe and realize that this is who you’ve been.

And now forgive yourself.
We’re human, it’s our nature to be all of these ugly things. Don’t beat yourself up over it, but get present to those things that are keeping you from being a better version of yourself.

When you begin to take personal responsibility for things in your life, your job, your relationship, your spirituality, your finances, your friendships, then a beautiful thing starts to happen. It’s no longer on anyone else’s terms. It’s now your turn to create what you want for yourself. You get to define what that looks like. You get to decide how much you love your job, how you’re going to react in that moment, who you want to be for your friends.

So what are you waiting for? #gotakeyourselfon


sharing = scary = good

So I’m starting this post off with an admonition: I’ve been super inauthentic with my blog. I’ve been scurred. Scared to write my next blog post, scared to share what’s really going on with me. Scared of what it means to get really vulnerable, scared to share because what if it’s not worth it? What will people think of me? Why will they even want to read this? The list of self-doubting tag lines racing through my mind had me paralyzed.

Then I looked at my 10 year vision, where I have a monetized blog that’s helping to fund my non-profit and realized that I better getsta steppin’.

These past 3 months have been epic for me. A tipping point along my journey of transformation, self exploration, and redefinition. The rebirth of Shenna Jean if you will. I’ve been busy flipping over every little rock of my being and closely examining what my beliefs and visions are to see if my behaviors are in line with that. My health & fitness, my spiritual life, my career, my family relationships, my friendships…nothing is safe from my scrutiny.

However, in this process, I’ve realized that I’ve completely guarded myself. I’ve come to this awareness that I’m holding myself back, which is so un-Shenna Jean that it’s a little scary. Scratch that, a lot scary. Usually I’m full on out there in the world. My friend MB recently pointed out that I am currently not out there at all.

Normally, I wouldn’t think twice about asking out a guy I’m interested in, now it’s been over 3 months. Usually you can’t get me to shut up, I’m constantly “sharing.” In fact it’s one of my overused strengths. Now I go immediately to “what is new with you?” to avoid opening up to everything that’s changing in my life. Yikes bikes, who have I become?

I used to hate butterflies and enforced a strict no butterfly policy in all areas of my life, but now I’m beginning to see the beauty in them.

Life isn’t about finding yourself, it’s about creating yourself. If you don’t take the time to distinguish what it is you want out of life and who you want to be in life, there is no possible way that you’ll ever achieve your dreams. In fact, it’s more likely that you’ll let someone else decide what “success” looks like for you. (I just threw up in my mouth a tiny bit at the thought.)

Some times we need to go hide in our own little cocoon to take some time to figure things out, but that doesn’t mean I need to loose myself completely in the process.

Last night at my Being Extraordinary class (heck yes I’m taking a class on being extraordinary) we explored the idea that you aren’t fully alive and transformed if you aren’t sharing yourself, your experiences, and your transformations with others. You can transform in your head all you want to, but until you start sharing yourself, letting people know what you’re up to, enrolling them in the new possibilities you’re creating for yourself then it’s all for nothing.

What’s the worst that could happen? Do I really care what you think of me anyway? (It’s taken a while, but I no longer give a sh*t.)

Bottom line: it’s time for me to get back to being full on out there in the world and sharing all the dirty deets.

So here we go, as promised: My 10 year vision, complete with 10, 5 & 1 year goals in health, career and personal. #onethingadaythatscaresyou

Focus like whoa.

Bumping tune I’m currently listening to that fits the theme of this post perfectly: “Houdini” by Foster the People.

I’ve always been aware that “focus” is something I could use some more in a few areas of my life, but now I can say that I’m fully present to the fact that it’s no longer a negotiable. If I’m going to get it done in life, I’ve got to keep my eyes on nothing but my prize. This shift lead me to the realization that while I’ve said for a while now that I really “want” to blog, and I acknowledge that I’ve made some big strides the past year or so, but now it’s time to shit or get off the pot. My blog needs some focus, a direction and I’ve finally figured it out.

I’m creating the possibility of shennajeanwashere being a vehicle for my growth, through my authenticity of what’s really going on with me, sharing my experiences and learnings and inviting anyone who wants to get in on the fun to jump on board. My intention is to get naked, shake things up, knock things loose, create the life of my dreams and this will be an outlet for my voice and thoughts as I plunge headfirst into my adventure.

So the intention of this post is to let you know I’m going to be switching things up over here. Things will look different and it will be badass I promise. Time to dominate the court. Upcoming posts to look forward to:
-Shenna Jean’s 10 year vision (I know I never thought I’d live to see the day either!)
-Acknowledge somebody yo!
-Are you listening over here or over there?
-Attached vs. Committed
-My Naked Interview
-On the court

Flashmobs Rock

It just dawned on me that I never shared the final product of our flashmob on Michigan Ave! Without further ado, I present Chicago’s Sexiest Flashmob brought to you by lululemon athletica rush & 900 and friends! Yeaaaaa I workout. (That chocolate m&m has nothing on us.)

Chitown Chopper Ride

This is what a super badass skyline looks like from inside a helicopter.

I don’t think there is anything better in life than scratching something off your Bucket List, #amiright? The anticipation, the excitement, the out of the ordinary to-do on your daily list…I wish I could scratch adventure list items off everyday. (maybe I should look into that.)
Chicago has about a bazillion tours you can take in order to check out the city, but the helicopter tour by far takes the cake. Here is a sampling of my photos from a birds eye view of the city. Shout out to T-Dub for co-piloting this adventure, Rotorzen Helicoptors for legitimately piloting the operation, and Living Social for making it affordable.

Go Sox Go!

Bear down Chicago Bears!

Chicago River gettin' rowdy

Coming atcha from the Eastside

A new take on my favorite pier

Wouldn't be a complete tour without a little LSD.

Gold Coast's finest

The Hancock up close and personal

Do you see the blue water tower in the center of the pic? That's my crib!

2 birds with one stone: Bulls & Blackhawks looking good this year!

It will always be the Sears.

Everyone looks great in super awkward head gear.

T-Dub wears it much better.

T-Dub, SJ and the Brown Bullet